Summer and Afterschool / Morning and Afterschool Care

Curbside Pick Up


We offer two car pick up locations. Preschool-1st grade students may be picked up in our on campus roundabout. Students in 2nd through 8th grades may be picked up on our frontage road at 440 Junipero Serra. 

Students not registered for Fall or Spring Afterschool Enrichment classes or care will be brought to car pick up locations. Only students who are registered for aftercare or enrichment classes will be allowed to stay after school. Families will be charged the daily rate. All rates can be found on the Rates and Fees page.

General Pick Up Procedure

Preschool students

Preschool students are dismissed at the roundabout from 3:30 to 3:45 p.m. Teachers will bring students registered for Auxiliary Programs directly to their designated locations after school. To pick students up from Auxiliary Programs (3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.), you may call the front desk or inform the staff at the ECC Roundabout.

Kindergarten-1st grade

Kindergarten–first grade students are dismissed at 3:15-3:30 at the ECC Roundabout. Students registered for Auxiliary Programs will be brought directly to their designated locations by teachers after school. To pick students up for Auxiliary Programs (3:30-6pm) you may call the front desk or inform the staff at the ECC Roundabout.

2nd-8th grades

2nd-5th grade students will be dismissed at 3:13-3:30 from the JS gate.  2nd-5th grade students with a MS or Preschool sibling may wait with Sibling Pick Up Children.

6th-8th grade students are dismissed at 3:30 at the JS gate. 

Students registered for Auxiliary Programs will be brought directly to their designated locations by teachers after school. To pick students up for Auxiliary Programs (3:30-6pm) you may call the front desk or inform the staff at the JS Gate.