School Spotlight — Mami Takahara

K-4th Grade Counselor Mami Takahara ECD and Lower School families have gotten to know our new K-4th Grade Counselor through her “Ms. Takahara’s Corner” in the division newsletters. In these...

School Spotlight — Julie Farrell

Global Learning Coordinator Julie Farrell The old phrase, “Making lemonade out of lemons” seems tailor-made for Global Programs Coordinator Julie Farrell. Instead of simply making just one sweet drink, though,...

Shyu Laoshi Shares Expertise at CELIN Webinar

First Grade Chinese Teacher Jing-Tyng (Teresa) Shyu was invited to speak at webinar hosted by Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network (CELIN) held in October. Shyu Laoshi co-presented with a teacher from Washington YuYing...

School Spotlight — Cindy Chiang

Chinese Program Director Cindy Chiang This week Chinese Program Director Cindy Chiang was being interviewed by students in third grade Chinese classes, so we grabbed the chance to ask her...

Mid-Autumn Festival — A Festival in Our Heart

In September we celebrate one of the most important festivals in Asian countries, 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié), the Mid-Autumn Festival. When life threw us a curveball last year, our whole school...

School Spotlight — Stephanie Liang

Pandemic Response and Health Coordinator Stephanie Liang Returning families no doubt remember how ubiquitous our Pandemic Response Coordinator Adam Ross was last school year. It’s hard to imagine now, but...

Announcing New Head of Early Childhood Wei Qian

There is a famous line in the Confucian text Meng Zi,《孟子》that says “one cannot have both fish and bear paw” (鱼与熊掌不可兼得). In the fourth century BCE, fish and bear paw were...

Traveling the World Right Here at Home

Due to the pandemic for the second consecutive school year, we cancelled long-awaited trips to Taiwan, Guilin, and Yunnan, not to mention a whole host of smaller annual events that...