The Journey to 19th Avenue

“Yesterday’s News” (spoiler alert, scroll down if you want today’s news):October 7, 2020“机不可失时不再来” I receive an email notifying me that the Sisters of Mercy have put the campus of recently shuttered Mercy...

2022 FSA Gingerbread House Fundraiser

Join us for this beloved CAIS tradition at Holiday Faire! All proceeds benefit the Family School Alliance (FSA) Order your gingerbread house decorating kit(s) by Sunday, November 27th! Join us...

Learning Math and Science in Preschool

Ever wonder how children learn math and science in preschool? Preschool children learn the best when they have a problem in mind that really interests them and they must look for...

Forming Our First Ever DEI Ambassadors Team

In the five years since the CAIS community’s creation of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vision Statement, the school has iterated a variety of approaches to organizing and leading our vital...