Admission Process

Limited spaces are open in select grades. Please contact directly for more information. STEP 1 – Determine Eligibility for Your Child Preschool Age and Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026: Kindergarten...

Take The First Step

Inquiring about the 2025-2026 school year or beyond? Please fill out the inquiry form below to get started. Explore the ways CAIS can take you further than your expectations and...

Schaulis Werdegar Family

"We did not plan on Mandarin. We had raised our kids with the plan for Spanish bilingual education. When we visited CAIS we were so impressed with the school that we decided to take the plunge into raising kids who spoke 3 languages. We felt that we could trust CAIS to provide the highest level of education and that we wouldn’t have to sacrifice quality and stability just because we wanted language." 

Parent Testimonials

Futsal Firedragon Champions 2023!

Friday, May 12 was a blur of flying feet across the futsal court as our 19th Avenue Gymnasium hosted the SFAL Futsal Finals. Four CAIS teams competed and both the...