FSA Holiday Faire at 19th Avenue Campus Gym
FSA Holiday Faire 2023
FSA Holiday Faire 2023
Last week, the building was abuzz with math excitement, as we hosted the first cycle of our ongoing embedded professional learning in math. As the group of 4th-5th grade teachers...
Becoming Our Best Self: The Campaign for CAISA resounding success! In August 2015, Becoming our Best Self: The Campaign for CAIS closed at $10 million – 25% more than the $8 million goal. The response...
“When researching the best school for my kids, I found the feedback from parents to be the most useful in helping me land on the right decision for my kids. A very close friend of mine had 2 sons who were close to graduating from CAIS spoke to me about her experiences as a CAIS mother and I was convinced soon after I spoke with her that CAIS had to be the right choice for my kids. Her sons embodied all the characteristics I hope my kids could model after, they were model citizens, inquisitive, respectful, mature, bright and confident. I thought if this is a representation of CAIS school kids, then sign me up! In fact, CAIS was the only school on our list from that point on. I was determined to get my kids into CAIS.”
Parent TestimonialsSpeaker Bio: Dr. Vivienne Ming Registration
For more information visit Math Kangaroo USA.
Save-the-Date for New Families since 2020