First Day for Grades K-8 and New Preschool Students
CAIS parents and guardians are invited for a parent education event to learn about the CAIS Math curriculum. At this event, we will be presenting about CAIS’s work on the immersion...
2023 FSA Gingerbread House Fundraiser on Saturday, December 2nd
At CAIS, one of the many ways we embrace Chinese culture is by connecting students with local communities via hands-on interactions. This supports students’ future growth both inside and outside the classroom and...
“From our experience during the last two years, we feel that the faculty and staff at CAIS are phenomenal. We appreciate the effective communication between teachers and parents, and also the supportive learning environment that they have provided our son.”
Parent TestimonialsCome join the Chinese American International School (CAIS) community on Saturday, December 2nd for the 2023 FSA Holiday Faire! This beloved CAIS event will take place at the 19th Ave...
Join us for this beloved tradition and support Family School Alliance’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Order your gingerbread house decorating kit(s) ASAP, as seatings and quantities are limited. First...
Three years ago, I joined CAIS. The first time I walked into a 1st grade classroom, watching the students having a writing workshop, my jaw dropped! Students spread out into...
“Both of our boys are wonderfully bright and passionate, deeply inquisitive learners who are also neurodiverse (ADHD). We believe CAIS’ pioneering approach to immersion is uniquely positioned to develop their “head and heart” — enkindling intellectual curiosity and building mental resilience, traits that will permit them to face uncertainty and ambiguity while, in equal part, fostering deep empathy and an open mind in preparation for engaging a diverse world. The thoughtfulness and intentionality that pervades CAIS’ living curriculum and student centered yet research-based approach resonates with us. We could not have found a better environment where our children enjoy friendship and celebrate learning.”
Parent Testimonials