Young Family

“As a parent, of course I want the very best available for my child—and I believe that is what CAIS provides—robust curriculum, long-tenured teachers (huge plus!), wide array of specialist instructors, expansive after-school club offerings, and active parent community. I believe that a bilingual education will greatly enhance my son's intellect and communication skills.  Not just because he learns two languages, but more so because he learns to create, collaborate and problem solve across a broader spectrum of circumstances and people. Also, I am excited about the new campus.”

Parent Testimonials

Lion Dance Super Fan

I am a huge fan of Mass Greeting, and especially of the sixth grade Lion Dance. Current Middle School students and alumni have shared with me how they watched the...

College Athletes Inspiring Middle Schoolers

The University of San Francisco women’s basketball program has been collaborating with our Middle School girls basketball program through “Empowering Futures: USF Women’s Basketball Players Inspire Middle School Girls.” In a heartwarming...

Thrilled to See All Our Progress

Happy New Year! After several months away on parental leave, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with you all as we turn the corner on this school year and look ahead...

Ready for Mandarin Fun in the Sun?

Sign your little one(s) up for CAIS Mandarin Immersion Summer Camp. We’ll be holding two, three-week sessions of Preschool Summer Camp (ages 3+, current CAIS P2 students also welcome) and...