CAIS Chinese Program Leading the Way

Chinese Program Director Cindy Chiang shares highlights of CAIS faculty leading peers from around the country at the National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) and the annual Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum...

Celebrating Mandarin Immersion in AANHPI Heritage Month

Throughout May, the United States honors Jewish American Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, and AANHPI Heritage Month,which is the most current, official name celebrating the broad diversity of people and...

Parent Ed: Children’s Technology Use

Parents of Preschool - 8th graders are invited to join Director of Educational Technology Kerri Willa to learn more about issues surrounding children's use of technology. This event will be held on Tuesday, May 28 from 8:45-9:45 a.m. in person at the 150 Oak Campus Library open space.

Reflecting on How Far We’ve Come

As Head of Early Childhood Wei Qian prepares to begin her maternity leave this week, I am entering professional transition mode, making preparations for my temporary shift to oversee our...

Parent Testimonials

#ChooseCAIS CAIS families this year have been sharing what brought them to CAIS and what their experiences have been since joining our beautiful community. See excerpts below or click to...