Pandemic Response and Health Coordinator Stephanie Liang
Returning families no doubt remember how ubiquitous our Pandemic Response Coordinator Adam Ross was last school year. It’s hard to imagine now, but in the halcyon days of early June as he was departing (along with, we thought, the end of the toughest days of the pandemic), we envisioned that his duties might be disseminated to others at the school. With the whiplash news of the Delta surge this summer and return of weekly screening, we quickly rethought that approach and we were extremely fortunate to be able to bring Stephanie Liang on board to manage not only our Pandemic Response but also our Health Center.
While we hope that your children never gets ill and that you therefore have little direct involvement with Stephanie this year, all families had a chance to see our new rock star in action at the three Town Hall Zooms over the past week. In addition to providing detailed answers about the minutiae and nuances of DPH guidance and our protocols, Stephanie gave a quick overview of her background before coming to CAIS. This includes her work as an Emergency Medical Technician along with her service as pandemic response coordinator at both The Drew School and Burke’s here in San Francisco.
Stephanie possesses an encyclopedic and search engine-esque ability to find and share knowledge of DPH guidance. She also has an unflappable and affable demeanor that is pitch perfect for helping others in times of stress, such as when symptoms present for a child. One illustration of her resilient spirit: she is an absolute ailurophile even though she is actually allergic to cats.