This month, our Early Childhood Division students celebrated 100 days of school. The celebration of the 100th day of school was embedded in the lessons the students learned and activities the students explored that day. A million thoughts raced through my head while sitting in one kindergarten classroom, surrounded by the enthusiastic little scholars, counting 100 beans to create the unique, beautiful patterns for their “100 Days” necklaces. In the face of the unprecedented and prolonged pandemic, our little Firedragons and teachers have shown great perseverance and have accomplished many things in 100 days this 2021-22 school year. They really deserved a big celebration! When I think back to our little Firedragons first arriving in August, even tasks such as knowing how to find their names on their cubbies or crossing Hickory Street to have the outdoor lunch and recess in line were hard. Now we have readers, writers, mathematicians, and leaders shining in front of me!
When the CAIS leadership team helped me get on board last August 2021, I asked myself, “What’s my plan for the first 100 days as the Head of Early Childhood Division at CAIS?” Now with the celebration of 100 school days at CAIS, when I think back on the question I am ready to share that I have been on the right track to meet the goals of my plan. Building partnerships, listening, and being present in each moment, both professionally and personally, will always be goals for me.
The real strengths of resilience, perseverance, and courage in our students and community recall for me the words of J.K. Rowling, “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better!” (Our Curiosity core value Firedragon agrees!)