Here are a selection of quick fourth grade teacher recaps from Lower School Head Kimberly Kaz’s newsletters this year to give a peek into the fourth grade classrooms in action.
From Ms. Hu’s Classroom

Fourth graders are making connections between fractions and decimals through various activities, including Decimal Compare Game and Fraction/Decimal Connect 4. Through the activities, students are practicing decimal notation, comparing two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size, and justifying conclusions with a visual model.
From Sui Laoshi’s Classroom

Fourth graders practiced narrative writing based on family interviews. In their narratives, each student wrote about either their ancestors who first set foot on this land or the first person in their family to immigrate to this country.
From Ms. Willa’s Coding Classroom

Fourth graders deepened their understanding of computer science concepts through their work with Python Turtle. Students applied the concepts of commands, sequences, debugging, loops, and functions as they experimented with text-based programming. In a series of increasingly complex drawing challenges, students explored the properties of two-dimensional geometric shapes and calculated angle measurements and side lengths.