Welcome back, Firedragons! We’ve missed you so much. With one word, IT Director Daniel Fettinger summed up the feeling of having students back to start the school year at all three campuses: REINVIGORATING!
First Day at Preschool Campus
We are especially excited to welcome our new Preschool two-year-old class, the youngest Firedragons ever! Lots of brave little ones discovering their inner Courage Firedragon, made all the easier by the abundant demonstrations of the Kindness and Inclusion Core Values.
First Day at Oak Campus
Early Childhood Head Wei Qian and Lower School Head Kimberly Kaz warmly welcomed first through fifth grade students with tangible reminders of everything from CAIS colors to our Core Values.
First Day at 888 Campus
From t-shirts to balloons to banners, Middle School Head Joe Williamson pulls out all the stops to welcome middler schoolers back to campus! Families make great use of the Turk Street signage for first day photos, and students jump right back into the foosball action to kick off a great year.
CAIS parents, be sure to check out images from the day on Vidigami.