8:00-11:30 a.m.
Friday, March 7, 2025
3250 19th Avenue,
San Francisco
Welcome to our first Grandparents and Special Friends Day! This is a wonderful opportunity for grandparents and special friends to spend quality time with their loved ones at our school. Join us for a memorable time at the Chinese American International School and enjoy the unique experience of a CAIS school day firsthand.
Important Logistics Details
Getting to CAIS
Junipero Serra Blvd Campus Entrance: By Car or K Muni Line
For those who drive to CAIS and park in the neighborhood, as well as riders on the Muni K line, we recommend coming onto campus through the 440 Junipero Serra Blvd entrance. We are fortunate to have a significant amount of free parking nearby on Junipero Serra Blvd as well as at a lot one block away from school:
Please note that the side streets in the Lakeside neighborhood around CAIS are permitted parking (2 hours only unless you have an H permit).
19th Avenue Campus Entrance: By Rideshare or M Muni Line
For those arriving by rideshare or via the Muni M line, we recommend entering campus through the main address at 3250 19th Avenue.
Guest Arrival and Parking
Guests are encouraged to park in the neighborhood. If a guest would prefer, families may drop them off in the ECC Roundabout beginning at 7:30 a.m.
There will be no parking on campus without a handicapped placard. CAIS Security will direct these guests to the designated parking spaces.
8:00-8:45 a.m. Check-In and Breakfast
Check-in and the opening program will be held in the Ang Athletic Center.
Guests will enter the gym from the easternmost gym door (on the glass wall).
Each guest will proceed to the Registration Station corresponding to their last name. (Please note: couples with different names will check-in separately at the different stations respective of their last names.)
At Check-In, guests will receive:
- a nametag with their student’s name/grade/class
- a sheet with the overall schedule along with their particular student’s grade/class and classroom number
- If a guest is related to multiple students, they will decide which order to do the classroom visits and/or tours
After checking-in, Grandparents & Special Friends will be welcome to head to the Pastry Line on the other side of the gym, where parent volunteers will serve an assortment of Chinese pastries from our neighboring Cherry Blossom Bakery along with coffee and tea.
8:45-9:20 a.m. Opening Program
Grandparents & Special Friends will receive a brief overview of our programs from Head of School Jeff Bissell, Chinese Program Director Cindy Chiang, and English Curriculum Director Cristina Calcagno. In addition they will enjoy a special performance by Fifth Graders organized by Huang Laoshi.
Following the Opening Program, guests will be escorted from the Ang Athletic Center by either volunteers, administrator tour guides, or student tour guides to their Activity Period 1 destinations, per the grade of their related students.
9:30-10:20 a.m. Activity Period 1
- Guests of Preschoolers and Guests of 2nd-5th Graders will be taken directly to their students’ classrooms.
- Guests of K-1st Graders will be taken on group tours led by CAIS administrators.
- Guests of Middle Schoolers will be taken on individual tours led by their students.
10:30-11:20 a.m. Activity Period 2
- Guests of Preschoolers will be taken on group tours led by CAIS administrators.
- Guests of K-1st Graders will visit their students’ classrooms.
- Guests of 2nd-5th Graders be taken on individual tours led by their students. (Lower Schoolers will conclude their tours by 11:00 a.m.)
- Guests of Middle Schoolers will be taken directly to their students’ classrooms.
11:20 Guests Depart Campus
While it is a scheduled full school day for students, families must share info on SchoolPass by this Thursday morning (24 hours in advance) if they will be having their student leave early with their Grandparent or Special Friend.
Grandparents & Special Friends will exit the campus themselves or be picked up in the ECC Roundabout by their family.

RSVP Details
An official response form was sent on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 to CAIS families to complete for their Grandparents and Special Friends.
Responses for Grandparents and Special Friends Day will be due by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
Special Note for Parents & Guardians
- Due to space constraints, the March 7 event is limited to grandparents and special friends only.
- Guests will be limited to four grandparents or special friends per child.
- Special friends need to be 21 years and older.
- Parents are not able to be on campus during Grandparents and Special Friends Day unless they are volunteering (a Sign Up Genius for available roles will be sent to families in the coming weeks)
- It will be a full school day for students but we will have special instructions to share should Grandparents wish to have their grandchildren dismiss with them.
Save the Date Message from November 2024
We’re thrilled to announce that our beloved Grandparents Luncheon is evolving into an even more meaningful celebration this year! On Friday, March 7, 2025, CAIS will host our first-ever Grandparents and Special Friends Day on our new campus.
Of course, grandparents are still invited to enjoy the Mass Greeting performance in January and will have reserved VIP seating. Grandparents and Special Friends Day will offer a memorable experience that celebrates the invaluable role they play in our student’s lives and the CAIS community. During their visit, grandparents and special friends will spend a morning experiencing life as our students do—joining them in classroom activities, meeting their teachers, and enjoying a special performance.