Community / Welcome Alumni!

Alumni Events 2024-2025


The Advancement Office organizes events for CAIS alumni to reconnect and reminisce with each other and strengthen their connection to CAIS.

Reunion for Classes of 2021-2024

This year, young alumni gathered for a special reunion on CAIS’ brand-new campus to reconnect and celebrate, while parents from those classes gathered and took a tour as well.

Gather with your fellow Alumni!

We invite you to reconnect with your fellow CAIS alumni wherever you are! We’d love to see alumni from all parts of the country sharing a little holiday cheer and making memories together!

To help make this happen, we’re offering to reimburse your get-together for 4 or more alumni up to $25 each person to cover the cost of your get-together.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Organize a small alumni gathering with 4 or more of your fellow alumni.
  2. Take a photo and send us a brief recap of your gathering to
  3. We’ll reimburse up to $25 each person for your expenses! Just send your receipt to and we’ll handle the rest.

If you’re interested, please feel free to reach out to LiJin Yan at directly with any questions or to let us know about your plans. And don’t forget to take a group photo or share your stories with us—let’s spread some Firedragon spirit!