Students and parents gathered at the 888 Campus to hear about the exciting plans to resume travel to Taiwan this school year for 7th & 8th Grade (5th Grade, too, though their info night will be separate)!
Head of School Jeff Bissell shared a retrospective on the evolution of CAIS Global Learning Programs since his arrival in 2010, noting the impressive growth from a fraction of the students in 5th and 8th grade to up to 120 students traveling to China and Taiwan in 2019. He emphasized our community’s enormous appreciation for the transformative nature of these trips for our students. Trips were suspended from the spring of 2020 through last year due to the pandemic but we are overjoyed to be planning for our students to travel to Taiwan in spring 2023.
Families were able to learn about the itineraries and the considerable care and planning that have gone into bringing this hallmark CAIS program experience back after the pandemic pause. There will be many more details to come, but here are some highlights from the presentation.