Limited spaces are open in select grades. Please contact directly for more information.
STEP 1 – Determine Eligibility for Your Child
Preschool Age and Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026:
- No knowledge of Mandarin is necessary
- Two-year-old program (P2): Children must be two on or before September 1, 2025
- Three- or Four-year-old program (P3 or P4): Children must be three or four years old on or before September 1, 2025.
Kindergarten Age and Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026:
- No knowledge of Mandarin is necessary
- Children must be five years old on or before September 1, 2025.
1st Grade Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026:
- Adequate levels of oral and aural proficiency in Mandarin (but not reading and writing) are necessary to meet CAIS grade level standards.
2nd-5th Grade Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026:
- Adequate levels of Mandarin and English are necessary to meet CAIS grade level standards. Proof of Mandarin language proficiency is required prior to the application.
6th-8th Grade Eligibility Requirements for 2025-2026:
- Mandarin Immersion: Adequate levels of Mandarin and English are necessary to meet CAIS grade level standards. Proof of Mandarin language proficiency is required prior to the application.
- Mandarin World Language Pathway: Mandarin proficiency is not required; only adequate level of English necessary to meet CAIS grade level standards.
STEP 2 – Help Us Get to Know You
Please begin the process by filling out the online inquiry form. This kicks off your CAIS journey and lets us know that you’d like to be kept in the loop about upcoming events, and helpful information as you move throughout your admission process.
STEP 3 — Experience Campus In Person
CAIS 101, Preschool-8th Grade Tours, and Face-to-Face with CAIS (later in the season) are fantastic ways to get to know our programs and people. Please know that tour dates fill up quickly and are removed from the selection menu of the form at the link below. Be sure to secure your spot at a tour right away.
Click below to sign up!
STEP 4 — Request an Application
Ready to go? Please click the link below to request an application. We’ll send an email with a link to open your application portal. Once an account is created, you will be able to submit the necessary requirements to submit your application.
An important element of the application is our evaluation form. We’ve linked the recommendation forms below for your child’s preschool or current school to complete.
Please ask your preschool to email the form to or mail it to 3520 19th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
Applications for 2025-2026 will be due January 17, 2025.
Preschool-K Student Evaluation Form
First-Eighth Grade Student Evaluation Form
If you have any additional questions about CAIS or our admission process, please email and a member of our team would be happy to help you.
CAIS follows the Principles of Good Practice in Admissions of the National Association of Independent Schools. More information about admission to Bay Area independent schools is available at Independent Schools of the Bay Area.